Coral Reef Ecophysiology 4-Day Workshop at CCMI – April 4-8, 2024

December 19, 2023

Join CCMI and the University of Haifa for this in-depth workshop on techniques to assess the physiological response of corals to climate change! This in-depth workshop will provide participants with exposure to key techniques used in the field and the lab to assess the physiological response of corals to climate change. We will focus on topics such as symbiosis, photosynthesis, bleaching, and restoration. Specifically, participants will gain experience in standardized survey methods, photogrammetry, photophysiology, and thermal performance experiments, providing exposure to the main techniques currently used in coral ecophysiology assessments. The workshop will end with an introductory lesson in R during which they will analyze the data collected throughout the workshop with the aim of contributing to a scientific publication. This intensive and integrated program is best suited for upper-level undergraduate and/or entry-level graduate students.

When: 4-8 April, 2024
Where: CCMI’s Little Cayman Research Centre, Little Cayman, Cayman Islands
Cost: Free (All fees associated with participation this workshop, excluding travel to/from Little Cayman, are covered as part of the NSF award 1937770.)

This course will be led by Dr Gretchen Goodbody-Gringley (CCMI) & Dr Tali Mass (University of Haifa). The course includes three days consisting of short lectures, field work on SCUBA, and laboratory exercises. This workshop will not include any graded components; however, participants who wish to be authors on any resulting publications will be expected to contribute to final writing and editing after the workshop has completed. 

For full information about the course, requirements, and application process, please download this document. Application deadline is 9th February 2024; applicants will be notified of their application status by 23rd February 2024. A maximum of 10 participants will be accepted. Open to US Citizens only.


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