
Your donation to the Central Caribbean Marine Institute (CCMI) helps sustain our projects, programmes, and efforts in research and marine science education, as well as exploring new opportunities to grow our impact for coral reefs. Most donations underpin our operations, ensuring we continue our efforts in creating a meaningful pathway toward marine sustainability for the future. Donations to support specific areas of CCMI’s efforts, including research, education, and our Coral Fund capital campaign can also be made through our online donation platform or by contacting the Advancement Team at

CCMI is registered in the U.S. as a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization (ID# 22-3609293); in the UK (#1104009) and in the Cayman Islands (NP-3). U.S. donations are fully tax-deductible as allowed by law.


Your donation to CCMI can be made with a few simple clicks through our online giving platform, and you can direct your donation to an area of CCMI’s work – research, education, or our Coral Fund capital campaign – or choose ‘General Funds’ to help support the area of greatest need! You can donate with a credit card, PayPal, or bank transfer!


CCMI’s VIP donors are a group of committed supporters and ocean enthusiasts who share in our vision of vibrant oceans and healthy coral reefs. They make a huge impact through their multi-year commitment to the organisation helping to ensure CCMI’s continued efforts to protect and restore coral reefs through our robust research and education programmes operates without interruption while also seeking out new opportunities.

We offer several levels of multi-year support, all of which have a significant impact on the projects and programmes at CCMI as well as exciting benefits for the donor. Learn more about the VIP Donor programme HERE.

VIP Ambassadors enjoy the following benefits:

  • Invitation to a special Members Only online lecture and station update with CCMI Director of Research (annual)
  • 20% off CCMI branded merchandise at the Little Cayman Research Centre
  • Tickets to attend Festival of Seas Gala
  • Advance invitation to attend our Reef Lecture series in Grand Cayman
  • Advance invitation for other CCMI events
  • Special acknowledgement as a VIP Ambassador on CCMI website and in annual report

VIP Explorers enjoy the VIP Ambassador level benefits PLUS:

  • Annual invitation to ‘Dive with a Researcher’ in Little Cayman at the LCRC
  • Invitation to attend CCMI Royal Event in London
  • Opportunity to be featured as a ‘Donor Hero’ in CCMI quarterly E-newsletter

VIP Navigators enjoy all the VIP Explorer level benefits PLUS:

  • Invitations to all VIP council events
  • Invitation to attend CCMI Royal Event in London (annual)
  • Special Navigators Annual Report
  • Individualized visits to our research and conservation sites


The Central Caribbean Marine Institute has set up an endowment to ensure long-term sustainability of the projects and programmes of the organisation. Donations made to the endowment remain intact and are managed by financial professionals; earnings and interest on the principal capital is used by CCMI for operations and ongoing programmes as needed. Your contribution toward the endowment will help CCMI maintain a stable financial position in the face of potential economic headwinds, ensuring our work continues uninterrupted.

You can make a gift to the endowment now or plan to make a legacy gift toward this long-term programme in support of our efforts. For additional information or to make your donation to CCMI’s endowment, please contact


CCMI has reached an exciting time in our history! Our current facility, the Little Cayman Research Centre, is operating at full capacity. Our cutting-edge research and international education programmes are going from strength to strength.

The Coral Fund will support the construction of a new 4,000 sq ft marine education campus and evolve our state-of-the-art labs at the current facility, allowing us to run education and research programmes simultaneously. Your contribution will help ensure that we continue being a regional leader in marine research in the Caribbean while inspiring the next generation of marine scientists. Learn more HERE.